Time for another field season in Antarctica! Getting a slow start this time around. So far, we've been stuck in New Zealand for 5 days. Although stuck isn't really the right word because it's so beautiful here, and I hardly feel stuck. The above photo was taken after I went running this afternoon. This park is right across the street from our hotel, and Eric ran into me here and took this photo. Sadly, this is the only photo I have to show for my time here in New Zealand. Because we weren't expecting these continued delays, I left the only camera I brought at the CDC (clothing distribution center, where we get all our cold weather gear). Still, this is a pretty good synopsis of my time the past 5 days. I've been eating, sleeping, running, and working on a final exam for my exploration geophysics class. I've also been buying entirely too much stuff, but the exchange rate is amazing!!! .51 to the U.S. dollar. So basically you can take 50% off everything you buy. It's a dangerous rationalization to make, I can attest to that personally. Alright, so anyways, hopefully we will get down to the ice soon. Until then, I'll be doing more of the same in this photo.