Here is a meteorite!!! I actually got to touch it (and obviously photograph it.) All of the meteorites they find in Antarctica are biologically studied (they are looking for any organic material), so normally you are not allowed to touch them. However, someone accidentally sneezed on this one, so you can actually touch it now! How cool is that??? I photographed the shiny side, which is the fusion crust side. Fusion crust forms on the outside of the meteorite when it is heated by traveling through the atmosphere. This photo shows the meteorite on my field notebook. If I had been thinking, I would have stuck a scale in there. It is about the size of a baseball. I was really enthused to hold it. I’ve never held anything that has been 4.6 BILLION years old!!! Wow. I talked to one of the meteorite guys, and he said they have only found 67 this year. In previous years they have found 1000-1500. However, they are doing reconnaissance work this year looking for new sites, so I’m sure if they went back to known sites of high populations they could have found more.
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