I met some really incredible people at Patriot Hills, and one of them was Marc De Keyser. Marc works in comms (communications- works the radios, sends/receives info about flights, weather, etc.) at Patriot Hills. This year he WON the marathon there. People from all over the world pay big bucks to come to Antarctica and run that marathon, and Marc, someone who works at the camp, won it. The top photo is a close up of Marc at the marathon. He is such an awe-inspiring person and runner. Winning the marathon in itself is incredible, but get this: next season he’s going to run from 80º to pole, running half a degree a day. That’s 31 miles a day for 20 days. 31 MILES A DAY FOR 20 DAYS!!!! IN ANTARCTICA! And not just Antarctica like coastal Antarctica, we’re talking Antarctica like 80º to the South Pole Antarctica, like get frostbite and lose fingers and chunks of your face Antarctica. He’s incredible. Got to be one of the top 5 most amazing people I have ever met in my life. He’s very humble, and was shy when I almost blew my top at hearing his stories. You can’t help but be amazed by him. The bottom photo shows Marc finishing the marathon. The guy in the wheelchair on the right did the marathon as well. I’m sure another incredible person. Unfortunately he wasn’t there when we arrived so I never got the opportunity to meet him. There are some genuinely impressive people in this world.

wow, that sounds like a lot of fun, running across Antarctica sometime. I'll put that on my list of things to do.
12:15 AM
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